Everybody should just migrate here | By: GrandTefftAuto Score: 20 Date: 2019-04-12 12:12:02 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

1  2019-09-16 by ChineseGuitars

Wouldn’t that be poetic? That Patrick S Tomlinson succeeds in getting r/opieandanthony shut down only for the sub to migrate over into one bearing his own name.

Then whenever one of you degenerates posts in a regular sub and one of those faggots literally investigates you they’ll say ‘hey guys this guy posts on r/patrickstomlinson ignore him he’s an alt right racist’.


| By: SoundBarWarrior Score: 9 Date: 2019-04-12 12:13:46 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

I had to make this alt account because I was getting called out in other subs. I feel like a massive faggot.

| By: FlatlipsTLumpyson Score: 3 Date: 2019-04-12 12:30:52 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

That feeling goes away as you take the dick more.

| By: SoulBrothamanNumber1 Score: 5 Date: 2019-04-12 12:38:22 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

nah thisll just be another backup sub, though im pretty sure everyone in the know will head to Scorch

really sucks, was hoping Fat Pat would be the titan to finally conquer the sub and force us to skedaddle

| By: TedBacon Score: 4 Date: 2019-04-12 13:13:51 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

I just like the idea of Pat being made fun of on a subreddit named after him. Doesn't have to be a big thing.

| By: SoulBrothamanNumber1 Score: 1 Date: 2019-04-12 13:29:37 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

I was really hoping we'd construct a real murderer in him thru the sub, no lame ass baby-slaughter fags like a kuhn

| By: TedBacon Score: 2 Date: 2019-04-12 13:31:49 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

I can only console myself with the knowledge that he's going to be a reoccurring figure on a television show in a couple weeks, and is religated to telling that to a few hundred people on Instagram, of which a dozen will actually see.

| By: Obeseplumpenfuhrer Score: 1 Date: 2019-04-12 15:02:53 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

His biggest fan: "@azerbaijanicars" is sure to love it!