That was some of the worst decision making I have ever seen. | By: JuulSantana Score: 25 Date: 2019-04-12 11:50:22 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

1  2019-09-16 by ChineseGuitars

Unless SpaceEdge knows something we don't, I have no idea what the fuck he was thinking. The subreddit was as busy as it ever was, and he decides to close up shop? What the fuck were we supposed to talk about? Our favorite O&A clips? Ant is comically irrelevant, Jim and Sam still suck, Joe went underground, and Logan Lynn is a boring ass faggot. Insane.


| By: TedBacon Score: 14 Date: 2019-04-12 11:53:08 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

Edge does this every six months. As soon as people start enjoying themselves, he swoops in and pulls this "I don't know what's going on" shit (which is a lie, I don't know why he feigns ignorance every time) and starts deciding that it's "off-topic", despite the countless other examples of off-topic shit that gets a pass.

| By: TotesMessenger Score: 2 Date: 2019-04-12 12:09:24 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

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| By: GagMeWithASpewwn Score: 8 Date: 2019-04-12 12:39:42 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

He’s too stupid to be in on some sort of conspiracy.

| By: lawntoilet Score: 4 Date: 2019-04-12 14:40:54 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

More like a power bottom trip

He is a gay fag

| By: GinFoss Score: 3 Date: 2019-04-12 14:05:59 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

subreddits change their subject matter almost entirely all the time

/r/samandtolki is a good example. it was made to talk about a guy that got cucked, and now its almost exclusively about an obese fat man who lies all the time.

and nobody complained or threw a fit or demanded everyone talk about something they didn't want to talk about anymore

| By: theZenImpulse Score: 1 Date: 2019-04-14 22:17:33 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

The o&a sub is about as bad as you’d expect right now. Thank heavens we have this wonderful life raft to sail away on while the big ship sinks.

| By: SoundBarWarrior Score: 9 Date: 2019-04-12 11:52:08 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

Maybe Patrick contacted him and made a peace offering. Other than that, I have no idea.

| By: TedBacon Score: 7 Date: 2019-04-12 11:54:52 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

Not a chance. Pat spooked him and he was afraid he'd lose his sub, so after being fine with it for six months, he swooped in and with a pretend "woah, I had no idea this was going on.

| By: JuulSantana Score: 7 Date: 2019-04-12 11:56:59 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

Wow, he got big dogged by a fat, hacky sci-fi writer? Jesus Christ, that is beyond pathetic

| By: TedBacon Score: 1 Date: 2019-04-12 12:56:14 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

$20 says Pat messaged him and threatened to shut the sub down if he didn't clamp down. I've literally talked to Edge about it before, and he didn't give a shit, it was always ToolMan that was clipping posts. Edge let himself get alpha'd by a marshmallow.

| By: lawntoilet Score: 2 Date: 2019-04-12 14:40:26 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

If he got alpha'd by Fatrick, can you imagine how he'd react to Big Dick Jonathan and his Harley?

| By: SoundBarWarrior Score: 7 Date: 2019-04-12 11:56:43 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

You're probably right. It just seemed out of nowhere considering he was all in with fucking with Logan Lynn.

| By: TedBacon Score: 6 Date: 2019-04-12 11:59:17 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

He has flip-flopped like that countless times. He's probably going through a bout of depression or some dumb shit like that.

| By: FlatlipsTLumpyson Score: 5 Date: 2019-04-12 14:02:50 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

Then he can kill himself like everyone else. No need to drag us down in it.

| By: GinFoss Score: 3 Date: 2019-04-12 14:07:23 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

Joe Paid him off with some of that sweet Cumia cash to put the attention back on him. That's my conspiracy theory