The worst part about this is he is going to declare victory now | By: GinFoss Score: 7 Date: 2019-04-12 14:09:01 Sub: patrickstomlinson |

1  2019-09-16 by ChineseGuitars

good job spaceedge you made us all look stupid and like we were legitimately scared of a complete zilch nobody

if anthony himself could not shut down /r/o&a how in the fuck did you figure this guy was a threat?


| By: FlatlipsTLumpyson Score: 6 Date: 2019-04-12 14:27:08 Sub: patrickstomlinson | I'm sure he's celebrating with his 4th hamburger. And since this is the first time his dick has been hard in weeks he's looking for tonight's victim... male or female, he doesn't care.

| By: TedBacon Score: 3 Date: 2019-04-12 14:28:43 Sub: patrickstomlinson | I'm sure there's a contingent of people who are still going to fuck with him. The scope is going to drop way down, though.

| By: spams_seed Score: 5 Date: 2019-04-12 14:34:00 Sub: patrickstomlinson | Meh. It only takes a few, and a few more to keep an eye on SpaceEdge's shitshow of a sub and direct them here or scorch or opienanthony

| By: TedBacon Score: 2 Date: 2019-04-12 14:35:45 Sub: patrickstomlinson | I already know a few guys off the top of my head that are still going to press hard.

| By: MonsignorScurrility Score: 3 Date: 2019-04-12 14:39:09 Sub: patrickstomlinson | Wish I hadn't torched my old username but a lot of my posts were getting pulled down so I figured either Space or TubbyMan were onto me so I pivoted .

Turns out they were just being faggots about Patty in general.

| By: TedBacon Score: 1 Date: 2019-04-12 14:44:23 Sub: patrickstomlinson | Yeah, I saw you panicked and nuked that and your Twitter. I did the same thing a while back myself, someone was hanging out on my u/ all day and it was annoying the shit out of me.

| By: TedBacon Score: 1 Date: 2019-04-12 14:45:57 Sub: patrickstomlinson | Yeah, I saw you panicked and nuked that and your Twitter. I did the same thing a while back myself, someone was hanging out on my u/ all day and it was annoying the shit out of me.

| By: spams_seed Score: 7 Date: 2019-04-12 14:32:52 Sub: patrickstomlinson | He can do that all he wants. He's got a book coming out that's gonna tank and his Instagram is flooded with spammed abuse. He's off Twitter, has multiple reports and everything he posts on FB is scrutinized for reportability.

Meanwhile there's always more subreddits.

| By: GinFoss Score: 6 Date: 2019-04-12 14:34:34 Sub: patrickstomlinson | the instagram bot situation is definitely still hilarious