Hey plebs, I got HANDED the subreddit PERSONALLY, I make the rules | By: sixfigureschild Score: 23 Date: 2019-04-12 12:40:26 Sub: patrickstomlinson |

1  2019-09-16 by ChineseGuitars


| By: TedBacon Score: 4 Date: 2019-04-12 12:47:45 Sub: patrickstomlinson | He was hand-picked, the chosen one. Only he can handle handle something so precious. You wouldn't understand.

| By: Obeseplumpenfuhrer Score: 3 Date: 2019-04-12 14:12:35 Sub: patrickstomlinson | Why does he moderate multiple subs? It's not like he can look at two places at... oh, nevermind.