Reminder: We are not done yet | By: nortonlovesnorway Score: 1 Date: 2019-04-16 06:28:11 Sub: patrickstomlinson |

1  2019-09-16 by ChineseGuitars

Imagine yourself as Patrick

After perusing through r/opieandanthony , you feel quite smug

A benevolent mod has crushed the troll crusade of incels and nazis alike, effectively splintering the heart of their movement.

you figured out how to limit instagram comments to only followers, so no bot spam can interrupt your magnanimous postings about the current state of world affairs

The excitement is mounting for your national television appearance on Nasa files, where you will be able to pontificate about the galaxy with your name as a sub heading as the cameras roll

You feel as your career is on the up and up. Gate crashers, your magnum Opus was just released.

Tor books has erased comments besmirching your good name. you feel as if nazi hate will not win. and you are smug.


We can't let up. The fat junkie nigger can ban us, censor us, report us to reddit admins.

but one thing he can't do, is "stop da hate"
We were made to attack, destroy, and generally make the lives of faggots we despise a living hell.


Don't get complacent now, faggots. See you all in valhalla