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1  2019-10-01 by Mintwa


”I have to infantilize anyone who disagrees with me because I’m an uninformed manchild trying to look intelligent. If you bring up any facts that go against my narrative I’m going to block you because that’s what intelligent people do.”

Richard Marx tweeted that audio of Trump “bragging” about having the tallest building in right after the twin towers fell and dared “Trumpkins” to try to defend it. I gene him the proper context for the statement and was immediately blocked even though I just did what he asked. Point being: Richard Marx is an even bigger faggot than I am for following Richard Marx.

Reminder: this guy writes 3rd grade level sci-fi for a living. "Fonald plump".

this guy writes 3rd grade level sci-fi for a living

Remember, I am a Conservative child.

Would be okay if it was just a joke, but you know a fat part of him means it and would be fine with an absurd resolution like that.

The real fascists are those who democratically voted for Trump.

Those who want to ban people for voting for the "wrong" candidate: freedom fighters

  • LOWEST black unemployment in history

  • LOWEST hispanic unemployment in history

  • MOST women in the workforce

  • 10.000+ children freed from pedo rings, thousands arrested

--> ''Orange man bad''

Fagdick classic

Sick of this fatty

He beats Jim in wormyness.