Anyone read the "Mandela Effect" or "Retconned" subreddits? Great for the cringe factor, to rage at mentally ill self-centered people who attribute their shoddy memory and poor relationships with the illuminati manipulating time/space travel just to trick them.

1  2019-10-01 by onemancrimespree

Here are some examples of these self-unaware retards who chalk up their shitty brains and low IQ to someone evil pulling the strings and literally "changing the timeline of reality" just to trick them about the way the name of their favorite childhood television show was spelled. This guy is convinced that a higher power has been replacing the memory banks of his family with incorrect information; rather than just looking himself in the mirror and admitting that his wife and kids don't give a shit what daddy's "favorite color" is. Imagine being so arrogant that you 1. think (as an adult male) that anyone cares what your favorite color is... 2. Think someone forgetting your favorite color is evidence that an omnipotent force is altering reality in order to gaslight you. This dude deleted his post, but basically he went on and on about how the world is unreal because dates and information keep changing in a random order. However, the reality has set in to the reader (a more observational person than our dear author) that this guy's co-workers are just lying to him out of convenience and to end conversations with him promptly. "Yeah nah we always have parties on game day. I dunno why you're confused. Anyway, see ya." Holy shit!!! God is altering my calendar without my knowledge!!! This retard is under the impression that a trademarked name with an unconventional spelling in the first place being misspelled is evidence of the lord getting involved in his life for mischief. Hip-hop fans are known for their reading comprehension, and third party manufacturers and publishers are known for never misspelling retarded names with stupid extra letters. A supernatural force is editing reality to spite listeners of shitty 80s rap. We are all stuck in this evil matrix of rappers having names spelled wrong, and it is proof of foul play from something bigger than us. A misconception about one of the most famous people and families in world history, easily debunked with a quick wikipedia search or common knowledge of pop music from the 60s and 70s.

In the grand scheme of spirituality, life, and death... who gives an everloving shit if a bunch of products with silly names had their spelling changed? Why wouldn't things be altered in a meaningful societal aspect? its always pop bands and comedy movies with sinbad.

Just wanted to give you guys a looksee into some internet depravity of a different, unfamiliar flavor. The world is not all Fatpig Tomlinson and Joe Cumeater.


We only care about Joe and Pat.

You just sent me down the rabbit hole. My absolute favorite thing about Reddit is the communities of complete mentally ill psychos, and you can just sit there and watch them in their native habitats like it's a zoo

I know what you mean, in a way even the Front page of reddit gives you a nice taste of domesticated retards interacting in an echo chamber, where you can laugh at them performing a joke for you that they have no idea you're laughing about.

Asian Masculinity is another gold mine


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Gangstalking using the top posts of the year!

#1: this sub is so toxic for people with delusions
#2: Gangstalking does not exist
#3: It be like that | 24 comments

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Yeah, I am not getting a fucking thing done at work today

Theyre some of the worst ive seen on this god awful website.

This guy used to walk his dogs outside my house every morning, and I thought they were drug sniffing dogs and they were trying to do a secret raid on my house, so I'd go outside and stare at him and make my presence known until he got on the phone and called off the search. Every god damn day.

That type of shit happens all the time. Betcha heโ€™s probably reading this right now.

I remember a dude ready to stab and shot random people cause he felt stalked at every corner. The retards at r/conspiracy did nothing to stop him, hell they were defending him

Yup. I started checking out the conspiracy sub after all this Epstein shit and quickly realized that 95% of the posts were ramblings from paranoid schizophrenics. They think the moon is fake, not the moon landing, the fucking moon.

The youtube compilation videos are the most retarded thing ever. Did u know it's not white-out, its wite-out ๐Ÿ™€

If you're into psychos check out "comedian" jessa reed on various podcast appearances. Dr drew ruled out schizophrenia because that usually occurs in younger people. As if it dosen't continue after onset and she didnt have these symptoms years ago. Anyways. Aliens taught her how to do a bunch of cool stuff, including move objects with her eyes and she can choose her reality and have anything she wants, but that would be boring so she chooses to suffer and struggle because it's a more interesting movie to watch or something.

Jessa Reed's kinda interesting sometimes, not the best comedian, but as a woman she doesn't need to be, & even gets $30k of new teeth for free just for existing.

Yeah she's my people. When I went to rehab I became besties with all the meth addicts. Never touched the stuff in my life.

But her codependent twin flame relationship with the mormon guy is exhausting she has to act like everything he says is hilarious and their podcast is unlistenable

Do you have the same dynamic with Quatto?

I think Joe Cumia truly never served but he thinks he did cause of the Mendela Effect