Got a 7 day ban, so took a 7 night cruise. Missus says thanks Joe!

1  2019-10-01 by Nothing_of_merit


Please don't tell me those are menthols

They are indeed. I didn't know white people smoked those


*Monkey Mints ™️

Marlboro Smooth is a damn good menthol but otherwise yeah they're for nigs


Why don't you just smoke newports

They were comped

Fair enough, but so you know fumar mata means SMOKING KILLS. We need you in this fight between us and the scumbags of the world. Maybe you can find some compd gun or patches. I say this to u u while I'm smoking my morning cigarette just so you know

Oh, I didn't know you were a tribute artist. Have you stayed at any rural motels lately that you could share photos of and brag about?

I was literally tossing between this or a bacon egg and cheese on a roll by the pool

This looks like one of Keith’s awful Twitter posts.

Would not be suprised if this is keith though. He notoriously hates joe and is swindling joes money from anthony

Marb/camel menthols are what women smoke.

Everything in that picture screams high life.

Cruise ships are for boomers and children

Figures why AntH loves them

You’re still smoking? I know a guy that just simply QUIT COLD TURKEY!

Blow too. As well as visiting his dear old muddah!

And backmin the day, blow too!

Anyone can do it!

I'm 6'1 so the nicotine blemishes aren't too obvious

Couldn’t just make a new account in 20 seconds? Retard

Newport: Alive with Mediocrity