I did something stupid and created shitty forums on the archives

1  2019-10-01 by quasi101

Due to the change in reddit TOS, I set up a beta for some shitty forums on my archives site .

I'm not expecting this to replace the subreddits, but used in case of emergency.


To avoid a repeat of the last forums I set it to admin only. I'm looking for ideas on how to avoid letting in the troublemakers. Right now I'm thinking that you have to pm me your name from your reddit account and I'm only letting in anyone who posted in the original sub, to start. But I am open to better non-retarded ideas.


Some more gay stuff:

  1. I've never adminned a forum before and have no idea what i'm doing. So its stock out of the box, and looks and acts like shit.
  2. As a corollary to number 1, don't use a password you've used somewhere I have no idea how secure it is, and plan on it crashing and losing data or some shit.
  3. I'm not really looking to mod it or have any mods really. It is hosted in romania, so mostly they don't care except don't break their TOS. Which is illegal shit, botnet, and spamhous stuff.


Finally, if no one cares, and you want to sub hop. I'll just get rid of it. Looking to gauge interest.


God amongst brothamen

TYFYS brotherman. You are consistently going above and beyond

The autism spectrum?

We can never have enough bunkers to fall back in. Good work. As always.

Btw anyone notice space edge is acting all gay and responding to all the people shitting on him

yeah hes spergin out and lying, but i have all hist posts backed up. He's claiming "no one wants any content" from the old sub because he's a fat retard and lost the tiny bit of power he had.

That's funny as shit, he has been silent for so long but pop his head up once the little bit of power is gone, and acting like he doesn't care

It’s what fat junkie faggots do.

Meanwhile Joe be all


Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

My only concern is that if people really were posting illegal shit on those other forums (though I feel like that was probably just a convenient excuse for the site-runner to shut it down), it will put the rest of your archives at risk if it happens again, and that's a great resource.

In either case, TYFYS and putting the effort in to do this stuff.

You know, you're quickly being this subreddit's #1 sweetheart. We're lucky to have you, faggot.


I’ve used like 15 different alts since early 2018. I don’t even remember the username from the og sub (can guess it though)

Hate when we try private forums/subs

Good shit.