When you were a young boy full of dreams, did you think you'd end up cyber gang-stalking two boring, untalented dorks?

1  2019-10-01 by billdipshitbellamy

No. I never thought I'd be so lucky! Glad the suspension's over. Y'all had my ribs vibrating like one of Ant's eggs.


Welcome back friend! We're here to do god's work.

We are on the right side of history brotherman. Both these guys have concerning views and connections to pedophilia. You aren't stalking, you are fighting for justice

I'm not stalking anyone. If both of those dummies fell off the planet right now, I'd laugh for 3 days and then forget they ever existed. Like Carl Ruiz.

Pretty much. I spent most of my childhood doing prank calls to fat women and neighborhood retards.

Is it cyberstalking when they are the public profiles of public figures? Are people who make fun of trumps twitter cyber Stalkers?

You make us sound like the bad guys

I dindu nuffin