Where we at with Compound Media doing their own hilarous version of "Jocktober" this year?

1  2019-10-01 by naked_militiaman

Was that real or did someone shop that?


We should jocktober nana on behalf of Terry Clifford.

This sub is more or a less a 24/7 Jocktobering of Nana, CM and SAMCRO but it doesn't hurt to raise the bar

that Dave Mancow is so great next to Lord Anthony.

I listened to him doing the Todd Pettengill "Toddcast", and it was just him going "Haha, what is he doing?! That's old shit, you can't do old shit on a new platform!" and chuckled a bit at the irony.

I did not, however, laugh enough to keep listening for the remainder of it and will assume it's just all more of that.

Why don't we do jocktober? We're funnier than anything on cpm

The fucking balls on Crumia to think that he has any right to shit on someone else's show. Nana does a modern day Wayne's World for faggot's sake.