Some of Patrick's fellow WorldCon attendees. This is just sad.

1  2019-10-01 by RobertMewler


Throw them in a vat of acid and get it over with.

oh man sometimes when i think about what a croc of shit i turned my life into i feel depressed but then i look at some of these people and i realize i am not that bad

Been helping u/Hominus_Rhodium look for Patrick in the WorldCon videos and came across these people talking about the event. Just.. wow.

People bring their kids to these events not knowing what sort of sick, weird people are actually there. Because comics! And spaceships! And lightsabers!

And then Cat Rambo and her purple hair creep friends molest little Suzy in the bathroom and Patrick comes out to call her dad a white supremacist for reporting it

I'm here to help.... kids change in and out of their costumes

UFC debuts when?

See, this is supposed to be who he is marketing himself to. Instead, he markets himself to old men and women with nothing to do between social security check but bash trump on Twitter.

I spy with my little eye a mong holding Pat's autobiography.

You'll see the same group of faces in a group of mugshots of people picked up in a child trafficking sting at DragonCon. Except For Fatrick, because he failed. Bad, Fatrick. Cat Rambo is mad at you and your sloppy attention-whoring.

Subhuman scum

The white guy looks like Filthy Frank if he wasn't funny and a faggot.

The bitch in the upper right looks just like Travis Teft