This isn't going away, Jobless Joe. We know you still come here every day and SEETHE with anger every time your racism, homosexuality, and pedophilia is brought up, you buffoon.

1  2019-10-01 by FATSHIT_S_BLOBLINSON


this was originally u/fartpoop22 not sure if thats you or not, but i'm making a page for him I have a bunch of great ones.

TYFYS. OP here, I'm not fartpoop22. I wish he would come back and make more. My first introduction to Fatrick was when I went on his Twitter and saw that he retweeted to his 40k followers a fartpoop drawing of a black penis peeing on his face and complained that Twitter wouldn't ban him. I laughed so fucking hard my gf was getting angry because I couldn't explain it to her.
