Patrick said today on Twitter that he's not in this video. But is that not him for real at the 2min mark in sunglasses, black cap, and too-tight gray shirt that really accentuates his man tits?

1  2019-10-01 by nicecarfaggot


It looks just like him. But I guess it could have been another pasty fatso.

Why is Ronald McDonald there?

Because they're all fucking clowns

A clown with a Hustler painting defending pedophilia. These are the intellectual heavyweights that stupid associates with.

His name is Mr Tomlinson, child.

That's him.

I think it's the shirt that's 1 size too small that really gives him away. I've yet to see a picture of Patrick where he isn't wearing a shirt that's way too tight for him and clinging disgustingly to his man boobs.

If you can, zoom in on the video thumbnail and look just to the left of the guy in the light green shirt and bandana on his face. Tell me that's not Patso!

1:53 is hilarious. He's going around sticking his phone in people's faces and then he realizes someone is recording him and he does a hilarious deer in the highlights look, ducks and run-waddles away. He's not wearing sunglasses or a cap.

Edit: maybe I'm wrong.

That's not Pat but it does look a lot like him, i.e. fat & pasty. Watch from 2:00-2:15 I swear that's him. Guy looks like he has a giant baby's head on a doughy soft adult man's body. Just like u/patrickstomlinson

Yeah I think you're right. These fatass nerds all look the same. I also wanna say someone found another picture of him wearing that shirt he's wearing in the video.

One of two things happened here. Either that's him or he wasn't there. Either option makes him a fucking liar.


Funny how Antifa NEEDS cops as soon as shit goes south

That's not him because the camera was on a tripod