MFW I find out Patrick S Tomlinson rapes black babies and puts them in a meat grinder and makes BERJURS out of them. Bad guy.

1  2019-09-30 by PhishInVa2


isnt he in rehab? what a pussy

Yea for benzos (Klonopin i think)

i thought that was xanax lol i thought only girls went to rehab for that. 6 years ago in prison i roughed through withdrawals from xanax and heroin. have not touched them since

Klonopin is basically xanax. Same class of drug. Yea i kicked dope and benzos years ago. The benzos gave me crazy seizures and i didnt even taken them rly long term. Terrible stuff.

I didn't sleep for 3 days worst experience when it came to withdrawals

I called his love of booze / GABA agonists early-on... lost in old sub I think, but I called it!

The way it takes 8 seconds for him to form a thought/sentence. He acted like it was because he was pondering the question thoroughly but we know the truth.

He's Canadian. They talk a little different.

I forgot all aboot that angle. I just wanted to chuckle about the Peterson “deepfake” (which is actually really real) when he says Burjurs instead of Burgers. Im a retard.