1  2019-09-30 by LittleTonyDevito


Low t joe would ask for the chocolate milk

It comes from brown cows. He could make it himself.

I miss that cafeteria grade school pizza. As shit as it was, it made every Thursday a day to look forward to

I felt sorry for the janitor on taco bowl Tuesday

Idgaf, I’d still eat that shit. Those pizzas were fucking good

I liked the pepperoni cubes. Anyone can do it!

It was Pizza Monday at my school. Burgers or fish sticks on Fridays.

Bagel pizzas niggas represent.

Chalupa day was popular was I was a lad.

is that a prison meal?

Yeah, where Joe will be ending up soon

So so so more free shit

Someone got dibs on Kuhn's leftovers.

Pour a little chocolate milk out for Qadan

Looks indistinguishable from a school lunch.

i mean, shit, that’s a better balanced meal than most of us eat regularly. fruits, veggies, not a lot of protein but at least you get dessert.

It's better than egg white with low fat mustard

Just finish it up with some lentil soup at home. Miss huskie and his recipe.

Think he's dead or just locked up again?

Hey even gets a "cookie" brand cookie, fuck him.

Nigga government meals ain't comp. I paid for that shit.

The next meal that's "comp'd" for Joe, should be in prison.

Let's make it happen, gang.

All right, America. Let's bring this perp to justice.

I miss rectangle pizza sometimes.

Fuck yeah pizza day
