The final 1,000 have mastered switching subs.

1  2019-09-30 by Sergeant_Joseph_Spud

You’ll never get rid of us. Ban the old sub. Ban this sub. Ban the next 50 subs.

We’ll be here forever.


We’re now over 2,000

That’s the what pat and joe don’t get. They have a sub that tracks all of the hate subs. Those pull have actual sway with the admins, and they can’t get the subs banned in a timely manner either. Nothing we do here is illegal. We don’t post anything that isn’t public or about “public figures”. Reddit can get annoyed with all of the fake dmcas, and ban the sub, but the members remain. The funniest thing I’ve seen in all of these reddit bans is that Voat had pretty much housed all of the nazis until reddit banned the q boomers. Once all of the q fags moved over to Voat, the nazis couldn’t handle their faggotry and came back here.

I'm curious to know how reddit's admin bans even work.

I had 28 accounts (including my main one; R.I.P. u/corystereo) permanently suspended (heh) in one fell swoop last month, yet here I still sit before you posting, so it wasn't an IP ban.

Furthermore, the throwaway email I used for this account is the same one I used to make the other 28 (that's a glaring error on reddit's part. One email per username would cut down on the number of alts people make; case in point, myself), so it isn't a ban by registration email either.

Makes no difference either way. If they ban my email I'll just use a new one and even if reddit bans my IP address I'll just call up my ISP and pay the $100 or whatever it costs to have a new one assigned to my computer. If somehow that fails, I'll just drive to public wifi locations every day and use them to connect to reddit and post here.

I'm willing to put down actual cash to keep posting here. So...Reddit won't win this battle.

Dude, you don’t even have to give them an email, that’s optional. I couldn’t even tell you how many accounts I’ve had. Even if they ban your ip, you can easily use a vpn without paying anything. As long as you aren’t running into the main subs, and constantly saying horrible shit or posting childporn and gore, they won’t do shit. They have much more problematic users than us that they don’t want to lose either.

I always seem to need an email but I just make free ones on in seconds

The mobile website doesn't let you skip it, but if you go to old.reddit on your phone you can just hit "next" when it prompts you for an e-mail.

Could just use 4G instead

Just get a prepaid sim card bruh, that shit is cheap

Delray Misfits sub went down today unfortunatel. I pity those that don't have this pipeline set up like us.

Strength through adversity. Those previous bans made this sub stronger.

This is the reality right here.

Can we get them here to shit on other tards

What’s left is essentially 1000 shit-posting Navy Seals. Suck on it Airborne faggot.

The Elite of the Elite shit posters from any old sub

It's more like a fun challenge with each ban.

I just type in some people usernames that i remember and see if they found a new place and then Oopsie Doodles I'm back in the know

Just search Patrick’s. He can’t stay away.

The fact that even he can just follow where we go shows how good we are at this shit now.

I can do anything, child! I invented Reddit, child! Child, child!

Just search mine I always find the new one


I feel like there are more of us now than after the purge am I wrong?

No brotherman, we multiply like bacteria.

I just joined back up yesterday. Missed the switch and didnt bother finding it till now. I'm assuming I've missed alot

joeH deleted all his posts after we threatened to call CPS on him. Haven’t seen him here since.

Some hero has all the posts archived though. So it’s still PFG.

Fat Pat lost his shit when we mention his ties with some pro pedo groups

Carl Ruiz died and you'll never guess how

Just like any bureaucracy as reddit implements more and more stupid rules it becomes slower and less efficient at implementing them.