Welcome back from your 7-day Reddit vacations, children

1  2019-09-30 by ConchoPetesHugePenis


It was cold out there.

We got coffee in here

God damn that was gay. How the hell did I vote brigade?

We're back!

And were better than ever!

We're back!

We're back!


We’re a little bit older, but we ain’t much wiser!

Hey that didn't rhyme

The extra 5 I had to add to my name was killing me.

guess i forgot to post


It's been a rough week. Joe and Pat almost broke me.

Yes, they are both very fat.

Ah, it feels good to have my real name back

Private Looper reporting for duty!

Still think there was more to that than people understand. I posted there without copping a ban for it.

Me too, I even made a thread.

Aye, old rats on a new ship. Everybody took their pinch like a man, a salud.

It's good to be back I was so lonely as a lurker

Fuck Reddit. I bet most of us didn’t do shit. Well, as far as brigading goes.


I killed off my old account and it was actually quite refreshing.

A reset is always nice I'm about due myself.

My main one's still out for another day. Cocksucking time zones


I just want to say joe cumia is an old cocksucker who thinks putting a wig on makes up for his shitty guitar playing and it feels good to be back.

I don't think I ever posted, just voted

Same here.

I forgot I even made this account.

Unlikely or you have the gift of foresight.

He died like the day before the sub was banned. The memorial threads were still on the frontpage. I think there was a funny picture of him and that killakuhns kid.

Still not exactly sure how this happened. You can be banned for upvoting something?

If you piss off a mentally ill tranny power mod, yes.

Its reddit you can be banned for anything. Everything here is arbitrary don't try to apply logic to an illogical situation. Just crush the empties and enjoy a mello groove brotherman.

Let me just say, the reddit admins are a buncha niggers.

Ahh back under my main name finally!

Thank you very much. It's been a trying time for this hate filled cocksucker. #feednana

I kind of like my alt account

I was just going to come here and say, it's good to be back bitches!

We're having a great time

They hate that!

We’re still hilarious!

I’m back!

I missed you the mostest.

Glad I'm back to the og account

Thank you very much, where's bams_seed though? I wanna put a party hat on her belly protuberance.


Prove it.

How big am I down there?

6 inches, darling

15.2 centimeters, darling

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I choose to believe.

I commented that it wasn't surprising Ruiz died from his shit diet and got banned... what a gay website

Feeling like Woody Harrelson in Kingpin when he swaggers in and takes the pizza out of that other bowlers hand.

Somehow one of my new accounts took the hit lol. Nice moderating, stupids.

And in light of recent suspensions, it's a honor to be joined by MEN and not faggot-ass corn-holing Reddit admins like banned our crew. They should fuckin' DIE!!!

Does anybody remember laughter?