George Effinger, 1988: A pointed exploration of male, female, and transgender roles in a futuristic society. Patrick Tomlinson, 2019: TRANSGENDER CRAB LMAO.

2  2019-09-30 by QadanQnieval


There's nothing inherently wrong with writing about certain social issues if it's sincere. I remember the Ultima games back in the late 80's early 90's had 'other' as a gender option. No one cared because it was sincere and actually treated people equally. Straight white men are fine as are queer men of color. When people like Patrick write they do it insincerely. They want to make people unequal, propping up one group and putting down another, and it's far more damaging than just leaving trans people out of a story. People like Patrick are the reason young men don't have hope and go on shooting sprees.

Well said Chris “The Crippler” Beniot

It's not my fault my tiny child was a disappointment, now was it?

Ultima VI was the shit

Well said. When you are sincerely including a group of people into something without any social point agenda it comes off well. Patso just fucking squishes as much bullshit liberal propaganda garbage into his shitty books to pander to lefties for sales. It comes off soulless and fucking tacky. u/patrickstomlinson comment?

Like how when he retweets a woman, he has to add "Signal boosting this"

Good job holding trans people back in 2019, fatso.