Hey, civilians, stop pretending you know comedy. Until you’ve sat at that table and sarcastically complimented Keith Robinson’s shirt, your opinion means zilch!

1  2019-09-30 by Opies_sandbag


This dummy thought Chip was going to be his first real success, what a loser

remember that god awful, awkward vice show? No one knows who bailey jay is, and no one cares shes a tranny. Nortons entire career is basically r/im14andthisisfunny

that's why DL Hugely cancelled.

I was still on Jim's team when that came out (like an absolute faggot) and I couldn't defend that horrific piece of shit to save my life.

Jim loves to talk about how every project he's in fails, but why the fuck wouldn't they? He should be thanking God he's had the opportunities he's had. I've never seen anyone so uncomfortable in front of a camera and it's shocking to me that he's been in front of one as many times as he has. How the FUCK did he land that role in Power or my favorite piece of shit of his, this scene in The Knick?

Jim absolutely sucks, and any show that would put him in it is clearly being run by retards.

lmao, I've seen that power clip so many time but the "knick" one is new. Jesus, that's bad acting.

I want to know where the fuck he got the idea that you should trill your vowels when acting:

I don't want aAaAaAany part of that.

Celluloid. AmaAaAaAazing substance.

Hey shitdick, considering that literally no one has ever fucking done that, including you, maybe it's a bad idea to do it when acting?

his acting was so bad i didn't even realize he was supposed to be cold. I thought he was like on heroin or some shit.

The best thing is how Jim is acting like he's naked on an iceberg at the start, and then once he has to move to the bench he doesn't have the brainpower to keep track of it all so he just completely drops it. Meanwhile, the other guy from start to finish doesn't show any sign that it's cooler than 78 degrees out.

But she was the "Official Girl" of the Jim Norton show. Cause that makes sense.

he mocked prop comics to lol kissing (((Amy Schumers))) ass did not help him Patrice would be asshamed of the worm

Jim: tss tss I'm Chip tss cocksucka Lamar

Sam: Chip you're gay

Jim: Nuh-uh tss tss tss

Sam: neheheHEH ehehehe ehhHEEHEhehenenanaeeeeheheheh

Jim: tss tss

Opie: Oh no, not Chip (yawns)

Anthony: (exaggerated groans)

Jim: What Ant, you don't like Chip? (holds back laughter)



(repeat this at least 5 times per show at various points)

To be fair, wouldn't you also try to exploit that comedy goldmine into a franchise?

Only if blue collar workers paid for it, I wouldn't have the confidence to risk my own money on that drivel.

this is what selling your soul looks like.

Thrift store soul

Except instead of fame and fortune, Jim got trannies and diseases.

there's always a price, child...

Nice raid on Carrot Top’s underwear drawer, stupid.

The single "quality" he has is to be a barnacle.

Prop comic Jim.

Chip is the impacted colon of comedy.

What a fucking hack faggot.

The satisfaction i would feel internally after knocking that hat of his malformed head and shouting obscenities at him would be like cumming and shitting at the same time.

does that jew still work for him did he really need a body guard?

Chip has evolved

Baby noises

No matter how funny you can be ( a small hint: zero) a grown man doing it is pathetic and worthless


Its not even clever...its just the same low hanging fruit of pseudo absurdist humor. Nothing about it is innovative or different or inspired