I witnessed Patrick S Tomlinson assaulting his wife in Hooligan's parking lot. I was too afraid to confront him at the time because I'm not a tough guy and he is.

44  2019-09-30 by MarbleSpaceCat

I hope someone can help her see he's no good. She deserves better.

I know what I saw. I don't have any hard proof but it happened.


He obviously was liquored up drinking all those mint and peach vodka presses yesterday. No excuse though.

He's a topical drunk. And desperate for "viral" tweets for a sense of validation he'll never get from his awful writing.

her face fell onto my fists, child

That seems a little farfetched

Did he tell you " This aint your show" ?

Yeah and he and his 5 black friends backed off

I’d sweep that cutie pie BBW right off her feet. Nikki, I mean.

I don't want to snap to judgement, but what's the story of this public figure?

Im sure his leather jacket was intimidating, child.

I heard he rides a motorcycle

You don't think he's in Joe's motorcycle gang do you? I heard they've killed people...

I'm so sorry that happened to you. This guy says he's a geek, but he sure doesn't look like one.