I'm starting to get the feeling that he's legitimately retarded. Is there any info about him being diagnosed with something?

17  2019-09-30 by anallips


It is bizarre how he'll repeat the same thing over and over. He at least has the 'tism.

No, child. I don't.

You missed one. There's 2 in the last reply.

They weren't real protesters, they were Nazis and Proud Boys

Weird how they all were waiting for the one video to stop recording to show their true colors. Kinda odd timing.

Child abandonment comes to mind.


Don't call me that

I posted this in the old sub. If you look at those selfies he posts from the gym, it's a clear case of "retard face." The guy is an actual retard.

I'm trying to feel bad but I can't.

In his "Robin Williams' suicide is about me" blogpost, he mentions that he was far too clever for therapy and all their tricks. Very sane behavior, child.

No, child, I’m not fixated on children, child

i'd assume mild ass burgers

I get the feeling that he doesn't exist. It's just an AI experiment.

No, he has Kallmann’s syndrome.