Daily reminder that Joe Cumia is mediocre at guitar and has to play in tribute bands because his own original music fucking sucked shit.

17  2019-09-30 by nicecarfaggot


The videos of him playing are embarrassing. These are his moments in the spotlight.

“This is your moment in the spotlight”. Words from his father as he fucked him and recorded it on a Super 8.

Old Joey dmca'd this video last time I posted it. See, that's the only thing that gets to Joe. You can remind him he's a mother abandoning piece of shit and it doesn't faze him. But make fun of the way he bow leggedly waddles around on stage and ham handedly strums his guitar and he gets all upset.

"Guitar Legends Live" my ass


Jesus Christ that's awful

That gut says that he totally had bacon, egg, and cheese on a roll that morning.

Imagine being a 16 year old at Guitar Center and then this fat boomer faggot rolls in, plugs in his knockoff guitar, and insists on showing you and your buds some “old school licks.”

I play guitar in 2 bands. I practice when no one is home at a low volume. I play in public when my bands have a gig. Thats it. Every other professional I know is the same way. This moron is always trying to show off and be the center of attention. It is so fucking irritating. Every video i see of him his tone sounds like trebly dogshit, yet he always insists on playing super loud and strumming super hard. It's because he literally has nothing else to offer. Being around him must be exhausting.

There’s nothing worse than a boomer showing off in a Guitar Center. They always see themselves as undiscovered virtuosos. Like everyone in the store should stand in awe as they barf out bullshit blues solos.

Loud ass fender combos with too much reverb because they want to “hear the amp breath”

It took him decades to reach this level of mediocrity.