The highlight of Patrick's career was him being mentioned in a tweet by Ben Shapiro

19  2019-09-30 by AnthonyCumiaSux

And the fat fuck was too scared to even debate him.


fat ass effeminate coward.

It was a stupid fucking comparison for abortion anyways. The better comparison would be "There's a fire, you can only save one: Do you save a 5 year old child or a pregnant woman. Because then you have to ask yourself the real value of an unborn life. Could I save one person or two?. It makes the decision way harder than HuRRR dUrrRR a ChiLd oR sOme FroZEn EMbRyos?!

And let's be real, we all know u/patrickstomlinson would save the embryos if he knew it would go viral and get him some Twitter followers. Gotta pump up the Nambahs! Eh, Patso?

Congratulations, you’re smarter than an unknown apologist for child rape. One day I’ll get there.

Or just say the embryos are niggers or jews.

Then blocked him, bragged about blocking, then claimed Shapiro blocked him due to being scared. Fat Pat lies again!

Can you imagine the smugness overload when those 2 are talking?

Some day a youth will abort Patrick outside Hooligans and steal his moped.

"Misguided teens"