Fuck Hooligans

21  2019-09-30 by Gross_Asshole

But just so /u/ThePepsiColaRapist knows I had my last account permanently suspended for effundiiing Reddit by giving out this info. But seriously the faggots that work there obviously have never heard the expression “where there’s child molesting smoke there’s pedophile fire” and give as many fucks as Reddit does about this kind of shit. Yeah maybe a bunch of people for no reason are calling a patron of yours a faggot. Then again maybe they’ve never heard of Google. This greasy extremist is going south as far down as two bearded pedophile apologist Iraqi brothers I know so well and it’s going to be glorious.


We should NEVER call Hooligan’s and ask for Patrick

I pray their phone number isn’t listed online. Patrick caught a lot of attention with this Covington kids thing. I’m sure that will bring out all of the fact finding journalists. Who wouldn’t want an interview with an alleged pedophile that was targeting young boys.

Thanks for the heads up. I will take out the number so no one will ever be able to find it again.

I was just letting you know what might happen.

Yes they will.

There's a place where everybody knows you're gaaaaaAaaAaaaayyyyy!

3-way calls ar the way to go, I really want to get Pat & Joe shouting at each other.

I'm allowed to record calls because I live on a pirate ship in international waters.

I’d actually love to talk to the staff about Pat, I’m sure they all can’t stand him talking their ears off about twitter, trump, nazi’s, trolls, etc. That and he prob is a shitty tipper and takes up too much space at the bar because he brings his dumb lab top so he can tell strangers he’s a writer.

Ever since my local bar installed WiFi that’s all these assholes do.

You mean his tablet and Bluetooth keyboard? So easy to write on!

Your sacrifice has been duly noted. Let's upvote his comments and get his account looking better.
