The relationship between Fatass Tomlinson and Us represented in a single image.

69  2019-09-30 by GroovyBastard


Beetlejuice is a Nazi incel, child

Nice fucking novel!!!


”Not so fast, round boy. We're gonna have some laughs.”

This quote is mentioned every time we compare him to Otho, and it's funny every time.

So are we. I wish he'd punch us already.

"Child. Child. Child."

Bratwurstjuice, Bratwurstjuice, Bratwurstjuice!

Beat-off-kids, Beat-off-kids, Beat-off-kids!

Ortho's double chins are actually far less pronounced than Patso's.

He's far more handsome than Patrick could ever hope to be tbh.

And he doesn't have a fat, drunk wife.

I bet Ortho wouldn't have signed his parental rights away

He thinks he's Batman and we're the Joker. I still remember that post he made saying "You thought you owned this website. Then you fucked with me." Lmfao

hahahahah what a fucking dork. You don't see him saying that shit recently eh?

Looks like that fat fuck Thomas Apostle, too.

I'm way better looking than that.