Next aspect of Patso's life we should expose?

21  2019-09-30 by like_tears_1n_rain

Whenever we break down a new way he's a shit person, Fatrick comes here and has a meltdown.

He just freaked out over the pedo apologist allegations. He got some subs shut down because we brought to light how he's a fake tough guy and his intention to cheat in the marathon.

I don't remember shrieking too much over us discussing his daughter, proving he never gave a shit.

Maybe we need to dissect his educational background or his retard brother.


Have we exposed his fatness yet?

Shirts already do that for him

Dont want to be redundant, he exposes that whenever he leaves the house

I don't recall anyone doing a deep dive on his exact weight, his exact BMI, or his projected fatness in 10 years.

That be great for anyone with enough autism to research how fat he actually is.

he's much much fatter and stupider looking than my brother

so i'll guestimate he's 250 at least and 78 IQ at most

I vote for his embarrassingly meager educational background

This could be something, he loves to call people stupid who have actually earned college degrees from well-known universities. Pat couldn’t make it past community college.

This has to be a sore spot for such an egomaniac like fatso.

I vote for his lack of education. Especially since he loves to say people like Ben Shapiro are stupid yet he graduated from UCLA and Harvard. I’m not even a Shapiro fan but he calls a lot of people stupid who actually graduated from college which he couldn’t do, child.

I'd agree on that. As I remember, he dropped out of community college but I don't know if there's a story behind it or if he wrote another shitty blog post about it; that may be worth some investigating.

Especially since he now claims to have studied Nazi’s (why?) for over 25 years. For 25 years he’s studied one part of World History so he can argue with strangers online? Seems far fetched...

Perhaps the fact that his wife is the sole breadwinner in the house

Bingo! At least debunk his “well over 6 figures” claim. That went from 6 figures to “tens” of thousands of dollars to...twitter ratios.

His house, in that neighborhood of Milwaukee is not where 6 figure income people live.


That she's fat, and is trying so hard to hide it. She's subconsciously shaming herself. Must be from the trauma of being married to an abuser like Patso.

I'd love to know the real reason Goddess Adrienne cut him out of her life like a malignant tumor. I know someone tried to contact her before and she made it clear she wanted nothing to do with it. So we should respect her wishes. But MAYBE if we can ask Long Dong Jon how exactly he stole her from Patso he might be more receptive. Maybe give us a lil taste. Especially if we told him that Pat called him poor (anyone got that screenshot?). I'm not gonna ask him because I'm fucking lazy. But maybe someone here will. Just putting it out there.

While I would love to know the answer, I'd rather not bother that happy couple with our autism.

Retard brothers always good, but I say we harp on his friendship with pedophile supporter Cat Rambo and the fact that he signed away his parental rights some more 1st, those are sure to anger him more than mentioning how retarded his brother is.

(Especially since his brother can't possibly be more embarrassing/retarded than Patrick himself)

I’d go with Cat Rambo and/or the signing away rights to his kid. Especially since that Greta kid is in the news and Pat loves to brag how great a person he is to Internet strangers. We all know there’s something to that story, what pregnant wife just out of the blue (according to him) says she’s leaving and he needs to have no contact with their soon to be born child? A Wife that knows something evil about Pat...

Is there a way to find his grades from high school or his one semester at Waukesha Community College?