Master entertainer. I think I going to ask a woman to marry me just so I could hire Denny to dj the wedding.

35  2019-09-29 by SibHashian13


Hard drive of hits coming your way!

You know Denny plays “the electric slide” at his gigs.

You wrongfully assumed she would say “yes”

Stay strong, stay alone, stay fat, Brotherman

Your right. I haven’t thought this through.

From the age of 24, I’ve never dated a woman who wouldn’t have said yes if I asked. Tick fucking tock, fellas. Time favors us.

Why not ask a man to marry you? Probably be less the hassle and all the money can go to the gargling piss man himself.

Your reception is gonna be hoppin with all the Hawaiian necklaces and inflatable guitars!

Denny self sucks

If this was a perfect world, we would be worshiping Denny more instead of Opie. But this is a place for fags, so....

So you fit right in

reminder: opie tortured the likes of denny and fez regularly and unironically. the talentless fat titted pedophile was jealous of dennys dj skills, folks. now opies broadcasting to 10 people after being fired from a platform he paid to be on

oh hee hah ho hee hoo. oh my ribs, fellas. also, opie is a coprophilic pedophile

I do not care for your flair, sir.

listen pal, im a truthsayer. thats all i am, chum, nothing more. im just letting the world know the truth, pal. its been 100% confirmed. if you require irrefutable evidence, please let me know, pal. ive documented the events that led to the murder of carl ruiz.

also, opie is an active pedophile

The best thing about this bit is the way you’ve kept it fresh.