sam roberts is quite possibly the ugliest man on earth

21  2019-09-29 by daveslandcow


I mean if he shaved his head, kept the beard, but shorten a little, he would look better. But no, he won't do that. Last time I threw out this advice Erock sent me a direct message telling me to go fuck myself. No joke.

I still don't understand why he got so bent out of shape, but it shocked me.

A small scissors taken to your beard every once in a while is all it takes to keep from looking like an unkempt schizo homeless man.

that's what Sam's black barber likes. I still can't believe he goes to a black barber shop.

The barber probably doesn't like Sam so he sends him out there looking like a fool just for the fuck of it.

If he went to a proper Puerto Rican, Cuban, or Dominican barber he wouldn't have that issue. They'd tell him he looks stupid and try to make him look right.

I imagine Sam sitting in a barber chair that's shaped like a space ship.

Trim your fucking moustache you manchild

The hair curls around into his mouth and he just seems to enjoy it. Fucking creep.

I look the same as a I did fifteen years ago, just with more wrinkles and some grey in my beard. Somehow this freak looks like he aged fifteen years in the last five. It's like the universe was trying to warn Jess not to procreate with him, and she chose not to listen. Thanks for fucking up the genepool, Jess.

He was born with a wonky dick for a reason and his parents had to undo gods work.

They call it the 1 inch punisher

The Roberts family piss balloon.

I look better than I did 10 yrs ago, but I used to have brat & booze on my face back then, now I got heroin abs.

Nice nigger pube haircut, stupid

Worse than nana? Idk man its a tough one.

Drop the "quite possibly"

He just doesn't look right at all.

Paaahdcast.... Naaht Saahm. Nice Inland Northern (American) English accent, stupid.

He's a NeadertHAL hybrid version 9 . Genetic Engineering is interfering with the natural order .

The people who called him Crow Magnon are wrong . Crow Magnons looked completely different , me , myself , i could spot it instant .

Go back to your roots .

The Fat Pat situation is a dead whores .

Do you remember that time Sam stomped on a homeless mans cake ?

Somebody should go tell those Square the circle people .

Just a taste .

Nice "cro," stupid.

Nice Interpretation , genius .

People listen to podcasts about a fake 'sport'?


it's ugly

good lookin dude. nice try wit da hate tho

also, opie is an active pedophile

War hero Sam.

i can only imagine what your fat ass looks like. you fucking lonesome loser

shut up faggot . you are the fattest and most gay poster in this sub. almost hated as much as sam

im actually loved and revered worldwide for my hard hitting journalism, pal. nice try wit da hate tho

also, opie is a coprophilic pedophile