Fat greasy Patrick Tomlinson is arrogant human garbage

43  2019-09-29 by ROtheHO69


We say some horrible shit to each other here, usually only in jest. I can't imagine seriously trying to tell another adult their family history. Especially given the context. Completely disrespectful.

"Usually only in jest"

Except when we call each other faggots, of course


This retarded nigger is right. Pat just wants to pick fights and hope his 9 followers defend him.

He also told Bam's Seed she wasn't a WOC.

His arrogance is absolutely the most hateable thing about him. JoeH is a retarded windbag, but deep down he knows he's stupid white trash. Pat really does think he's incredibly smart, clever, and in shape.

There's a part of Joe that embraces what he is, which is dumb trash. For all of his faults, his stupidity has the smallest bit of charm, even as hateable as he is.

Pat actually has 0 redeeming qualities.

It's the classic "Who'd you prefer to sit down & have a beer with"

It's always the dumbass conservative rather than the dumbass liberal. Don't know if there's a good explanation why but i haven't seen an example that contradicts this yet.

I'm pretty certain that Patrick is in fact aware that he is none of those things. He doesn't act like a man who has any confidence in himself. He is just desperately trying to cover up his inadequacies and is trying to present an idealized version of himself online. He isn't even capable of having actual conversations with other adults over the issues he claims to care deeply about. If he really believed in his intelligence and wisdom then he would welcome every opportunity to spread it. He knows he is incapable of influencing people's opinions. He just wants dumb Twitter likes from simpletons who already share his beliefs

He really is the most hateable person on this planet.

Patso really isnt too bright. Why is it hard to believe that some one in the late 20s /early to mid 30's could have grandparents that were in concentration camps.

Rofl exactly, I'm 29 and both of my grandfathers were in the SS.


I kinda figured it was Pat using someone's holocaust victim family members in a roundabout way of calling them sweet honey child. It's Pat at the height of his wittiness.

Especially since the grandparents could have been kids at the time

How long ago does he think WW2 was? What a buffoon. There are survivors still alive right now.

He signed away his parental rights. As a father myself, I find that incomprehensible.

"sign it or else I spill the beans" -Adrienne

He’s obviously guilty of something horrific.

Well, he has been accused of pedophilia by a journalist...

I seriously think she discovered something he had done that was over the top sick and evil. She probably told him to leave and sign away his parental rights or else she would expose him for the deprived maniac he really is.

That makes perfect sense to me. Jonathan is the fucking man.

He's a self-aggrandizing narcissist, she gave him some bargain and he didn't think twice.

I concur but... Well, what else was he gonna do? He's a fat, closeted homosexual who was pressured into marrying the 1st woman gullible enough to have sex with him, bless her soul. There's no way he's able to take care of a child on any level, be mentally, emotionally or physically.

Would you want a man who compared Hitler's rise to Trumps campaign raising a toddler, let alone a little girl? I know I wouldn't.

Oh SwastikaMadeOfNogs, your takes are always wrong, child

Yeah it makes no sense. I know guys that fought tooth and nail to get time with their kids and he just signs it away. Only possible explanation is he is a massive piece of shit and a man child that couldn’t handle being a parent.

I'm not sure he willingly signed them away.

No Pat, there are no parallels. I didn't vote for Trump, nor care for the dude but we aren't paying half of our paychecks on a loaf of bread to survive for one under the Treaty of Versailles that is fucking our economy over. Fucking retard.

He's a fat, spoiled, out of shape, out of touch, uneducated dyke. He's likely never been anywhere outside of the country and has no true empathy for, or concept of, the magnitude of hardships people deal with outside of his circle-jerk of androgynous ,racially homogeneous, dorks. His lack of depth and life experience is highlighted primarily by his sub-par and unoriginal body of work and is yet further accented by his hokey, stubborn, poorly thought out, opinionated convictions on topics which are far beyond his grasp.

The most beautiful part of it all is that if people like him achieved the revolutionary socialism they so pine for they'd be the first ones lined up against the wall and shot as such systems have little need for such useless, talentless, shit machines who have nothing of any real value to exploit. He's a Midwestern candy head that grew up on comic book movies, star wars, and similar meaningless corporate swill, and in such kitsch one finds the sum and total of his deficient personal and moral development. Essentially he is a giant sweaty conglomeration of corporate mediocrity and he will remain so until his last days.

You should publish this post. I would buy four copies.

That would make me a more successful writer than obese Patrick Tomlinson!

The upvotes alone make you more successful.

Anyone can do it!

So Pat is admitting he's part of the Weimar Republic and what's coming will be deserved. He's like a woman who says hit me faggot to her 3x sized bf.

someone should posit the notion that the nearest similarity between the two is Trump approving 'red flag laws' / gun control.

Imagine being a 40 year old man who doesn't see his daughter yet spends time comparing Hitler's rise in the Welmar Republic to Trumps campaign and subsequent presidency...

Yikes, what a fat faggot...

What I don't understand is, if he thinks Trump is actually modern day Hitler then why doesn't he actually do something? People like him always talk about resisting Nazis and being on the right side of history but they just tweet. People resisted actual Nazis with smuggled guns and improvised explosives and risked their entire family getting massacred or getting sent to concentration camps. If they really believe we are at the very beginning of nu-holocaust then why doesn't he do something besides tweeting?

How about it, fatso? /u/patrickstomlinson

Are you lazy, scared? Or do you just know that acting like a hysterical woman and being hyperbolic about the political party you don't support will get you buzz on twitter?

At best you're a disingenuous fraud, you daughterless tub of shit.

By the way, I'm not advocating violence in that first paragraph. I'm not delusional or disingenuous, child.

Daughterless tub of shit got a niggas ribs

Hey stupid fatso u/patrickstomlinson that guy's grandparents could absolutely have been in concentration camps. I'm under 30 and I went to school with a guy whose Dad was in a camp, had the tat and everything. He was a child (your fav) at the time and older than most when he had his kids. I'd have loved to see you tell him his dad didn't go thru all that. He'd beat you to pudgy, bloody pulp. You don't know fucking shit about WWII or the Holocaust, or else you wouldn't go around calling everyone you don't like a Nazi. Dumb fat child.

My grandfather died in a concentration camp.

He had a heart attack and fell out of a guard tower.

No he didn't. Great grandfather maybe child.