I got Vito from the Sopranos to do my podcast so we could fuck with him. I'm humbly asking for criticism here. Also Vito is a retarded old man who doesn't know how Skype works so we had to do it via Google voice.

21  2019-09-29 by NickGerz42069


"Duuuuuhhhh hello NAH NAH Cumia!"

Guy is a retard. I feel bad for him.

My thoughts exactly

I liked it. Audio could be a little more clear but it was good. I recommend using Adobe Audition for things like this. Not too expensive and great quality too.

Thanks man I'll definitely look into it.

No worries! Good luck!

I'd want to kill the fat faggot myself!


I thought the guy held his own. Pretty funny.

I haven’t listened yet but you should get him to say hi nana cooomia more

Did he do a cameo for the sub or something? Surprised I missed that.



nobody cares about your dumb shitty podcast.

i mean literally nobody cares because nobody is watching your shit podcast. fuck off faget

Ho we got a ball breaka ova heeya.

Considering where you posted this, it had to be said

And its nice how you call him a retarded old man for not knowing how to use skype but you can't even be fucked to have your portion of the audio be direct audio feed of your microphone not through the chat program. put some effort into your shit podcast with 15 average listeners and thats being on the generous side.

Blowing out other people's candles doesn't make yours any brighter, sir.

whatever you have to tell yourself to justify your big apple ranch visits is ok with me pal

Its not the negativity that were against, its the lack of funny. Most of your posts suck

If all my posts were funny then I would lose my spot at the comedy cellar.

