Pat's tweets calling the Covington students racists were sent to their lawyer by this hero

72  2019-09-29 by StarbuckAndCasey


How fucking awesome would it be if his own stupid virtue-signaling remarks finally destroyed him?

It would be especially great since the person who began this chain of events has nothing to do with us.

Please support the guy who reported Pat if you have a twitter (I don't).

Edit: And you know Pat couldn't bear to delete his original tweet(s) because they won him a round of publicity/noteriety that he cherishes so much.

Their lawyer doesn't fuck around.

Oopsie doodles!

What is the significance of having a tweet go viral? Can you make money off of it or is it just cool to tell people you went viral?

I'm trying to understand why Pat would care so much about having Twitter followers when he's so obviously unsuccessful.

According to Patty McFatty (therefore it is not true), getting more twitter followers means that he makes more money. He told me this when he was trying to explain to me that him blowing thousands on restoring his Twitter account makes him a "winner" and makes us "losers" on a now-deleted sub.

It's so funny because he pinned a tweet pimping his book when he hit 42k. It has around 15 likes. He really doesn't get that his faggot followers don't care if he isn't crying about evilorangeman.

Sounds like Pat is financially illiterate.

He probably thinks all those people go to buy his books. You know, that book that sold literally 6 copies last month.

I'm sure all those people who cum at anything that says "TRUMP BAD" want to read poorly written rip-off sci-fi

Niki is going to be pissed if this cost her more money for his stupid twitter antics.

I’ll do you one better: He gets arrested, then RAPED in prison!

Wokka Wokka!

That tweet by Rafa Sandoval got a niggas ribs hurting.

lmao that man is a fatherf 4.

Looks like Mark Gormley

"Um, Niki....Can I borrow another $5k for that Twitter lawyer?"

Oopsie doodles!"

Perhaps even more

It'll be a little more expensive than that this time I'm afraid.

A divorce might be cheaper.

Gonna have to sell the bike.

Someone should definitely DM this guy the screenshot of Fatty endorsing violence against women in MAGA hats.

it highlights his ill reasons for hating the Covington kid.

Does anyone have a link to that?

Jesus christ, that is fucking psychotic.

It's genuinely worrying.

I would tell you if it wasn't.

Will Patso bring his unique Twitter debate style to the courtroom?

"Mr. Tomlinson, if you continue in this manner, the court will find you in contempt."

"Hush, Nazi incel. Why is this your life?"

Pull a Joe and bring up reddit even though it has nothing to do with why he would be there.

Online terrorists, child...

I love how someone outside of this sub (with a check mark) is publicly saying “Patrick Tomlinson is attracted to children and may be a pedophile” to prove a point. What a time we live in!

He has basic bitch 20-year-old college girl opinions.

got their luscious breasts too.

his response... oh, honey please do

Notice Pat left that tweet not long after I published this post rather than on the day Mr. More tweeted about it? Pat first read about it here.

😂😂😂 for him its the old no attention is bad attention as he cooks up the subreddit and tried to find a vein in his fat arm (spoiler he cant)

If Pat Epstein's himself I'm retiring from this place with full honours.

Promoted to the rank of General, and send you off with a parade.

"Hey everybody, we're all gettin laid!"

Wait he says that MAGA hat is hate symbol?

Yep, according to him MAGA = Swastika

Totally the declaration of someone with life experience and not someone who sits on twitter all day

Warm mayonnaise expert?

He's got the receipts child

Martin More seems like a good egg

You're racist, child.

How great a twist would it be if him being forced to declare bankruptcy, getting thrown out by Nikki and becoming homeless was all caused by him calling a child racist. We could all finally agree that we're living inside an AI sim.

All because he said Norm wasn't funny.

No, he can't even blame us for this one. He did this all on his own.

Credit where it's due. He's been reaching for the stars.

This is who Samcro Joe wanted to ally with?