Is that African guy real? He keeps popping up in PST's Twitter feed to troll him

41  2019-09-29 by PatricksLegalTeam


Rapai Dadai, killin it for us today. You can find him performing on Twitter. Follow him at @Satis_est_Satis

Anthony is trolling pat too now?

He’s indeed still hilarious

We should really rethink our collective use of the n word, soft a and hard r, and welcome the entire continent of Africa into our community (white South Africans excluded).

I agree, we need to be a more welcoming place for POC.

We should use it more to take away it’s power

Sure thing u/Palmdale__Chimp

The virus is spreading

Malaria or AIDS?

Dats da bit!!

The internet has made it so you don't have to travel to Africa to get those good feelings missionaries get when they help

Our BASED Ugandans are leading the fight against this global menace, and Fatrick is terrified to block them.

African friend, reveal yourself, brothaman. You’re home, now.

No, he should never announce who he is here. Keep the mystique (and delay getting banned?).

So we have users in Europe, Asia, and now Africa too?! Ha! Ho lee shit! Virus is spreading brothamen

By Asian you mean SRP?

No Australians?

The second a large amount of Aussies find this place, the shitposting will become outrageous.

I'd like to think that Mel drops in from time to time

Before the jacuzzi

Too much abo roip mate

Very forgettable


He's 'avin a laff.

Either way, it's good that he's around.

This guy looks and behaves like a sexual predator.

Patrick really does.

we pests now

Man once you get Africans on you, it's over.

They are the captain now

It's been over all along, child.

This is amazing lol.