Nice weight loss, stupid.

24  2019-09-29 by suirogerg


It's seriously easy to lose weight. Eat less move more. How can anyone want to do it and fail? It's just will power and work ethic...oh.

Less bacon, eggs, and cheese on rolls, more ham cubes and mayonnaise.

The Long Island Heavy

Just the noise DUUUUURRRRRR coming from him

Vh1’s Behind The Stupidity.

Behind the Moosic

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

Anybody can do it

I win 😎

I can smell this picture

Obvious weight gain aside, what the fuck is going on here?

Three late middle-aged losers pontificating about their weekend hobby garage band in front of a camera like they're the fucking Rolling Stones in Gimme Shelter.

And there it is...the Rotgut poster with everyone in blackface. Never change, you obese simp.

I guessed you weren't talking about Bob Kelly with that headline.