I know you've got pussy on your mind 24/7, son. But you're fucking ugly. So stop trying to steal all your friend's girlfriends. Wait until you're older so you can give women drugs or money for drugs in exchange for sex and companionship.

37  2019-09-29 by dead_vos


Can someone explain the pussy on my mind 24/7 bit I missed something

In his "book" there's a passage where he claims he was the local high school pussy king who routinely fucked everyone's girlfriends.

I would like to hear him lie through his teeth on audiobook. I'd upload the clip if anyone knows what chapter it is.

How come every post that has downvotes has 14%?? I guess joey cumstain is working overtime on his vegas vacation.

He's in Vegas? Hope the fuckin plane goes down faggot

someone please post that "ant in the middle" intro vid

He had cystic achne and probably smelled like a foot. I'd like to see what some of these girls supposedly looked like.