It's fun seeing Permanently Suspended back in the sub limelight

31  2019-09-29 by satanssockpuppet

Because it's impossible to overstate what a completely gay piece of shit it is.


I guarantee Anthony knew it sucked but didn't have the balls to say anything to his "ghostwriters" & was counting on the publisher to handle that & they didn't.

I don't even get why he made it. He obviously put no effort into it like everything else in his life, so he knew it would suck. But there's no way enough people are still interested in Anthony Cumia for it to have been a successful money grab.

I honestly doubt that he even read it

I don’t think he knows the difference between “they’re”, “their” and “there”

The feeling you get reading Permanently Suspended is similar to the feeling you get from a two beer buzz that you get when you're drinking a beer and getting that one beer buzz but then you drink another beer and get that nice two beer buzz from drinking two beers and you getting that two beer buzz

Did that take you two ghostwriters to help you come up with that?

Not enough "and then"

Cumia's "autobiography" read like a elementary school library level book written by someone who only has a loose understanding of who the person they are writing the book about is. Like terrible biographies about Michael Jordan that were mass produced after his fame

And rise again!