Ever notice how once all the Fatrick detractors were satisfactorily unified with us, our subs stopped getting shut down?

25  2019-09-29 by CesarRomeroOranges


If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were the ones, along with Joe, reporting the shit out of the old subs...

Pat subs were getting shut down everyday too stupid.

It was one mega autist. He came and laid out his entire plan against JohnnyCakes for us but no one gave a fuck. He said he used VPN's and 3 seperate devices to directly message admins from multiple accounts. He said he was from 4chan and that some faggot from our sub had come on there bragging about us so he decided to take it upon himself to teach us a lesson - I'm being 100% serious. This guy was a major league faggot- but I guess once he got here his posts were deleted by JohnnyCakes and that started his vendetta against him.

That's a load of horseshit, he's been around since the OG sub.

I'm just recalling what they said. He was also accused of being Korean haha

I'm not saying you're wrong, just that it's horseshit. If he was saying that, he was just trying to be a slippery fuck. Plenty of people remember his obnoxious ass in the old sub, his shtick was the exact same.

Are you talking about srp? It could be one guy with like split personalities but I got the feeling it was a different person. Srp had that angry closet homo rage. This guy was one of those Le LoL XD memer faggots.

If it's the guy that posts the black crime and antigay stats, then we're talking about the same guy.

This guy was more black crime stats and awful memes. My theory is it was u/chickenfan1 come to seek his retribution for the time someone found his real Twitter "Felice" due to a blunder he made and it was filled with faggoty anime shit and his real picture. He looked like a fat Napoleon Dynamite and was most likely from Australia.

I feel like you want to believe the 4chan story, because I've seen his monkey ass for a long time now and I've got zero doubt it's been the same guy the whole time.

The worst thing you can say about a man.

Please rember 8chan only backs bith cowardly cuckhold still visit pol they destroyed another thing assholes

This is an old sub. They don't get shut down as fast as new ones do.

I don't think it's either of those things. I think the admin that was crushing on us figured we'd be a lot easier to stamp out than we are, probably figured after closing a double-digit number of subs in one day would have scattered us for good. Could very well be that it finally figured out that everyone still here really isn't going anywhere and moved on. They tried stamping out the incel subs and gave up, were just Incels 2.0 I guess.

A lot of us are still sitting on a 7 day ban as well.

Doing my time one day at a time brotherman

Implying we don't all have 10 accounts

We already tried the old sub thing with Pat subs, and it didn't work.

I couldn't care less about a fat Pat. Just think all that hate should be directed at Jim and Sam.

I respectfully disagree. We're a Christian sub first, a Cumia sub second, and Jim & Sam third. But your username makes me smile.

Ehhhh... I reckon this sub will be banned by Monday night but that's fine. I'm sure there'll be a new one within seconds lol.

There always will be

Ever notice how Patrick splays his toes when he cums? What is it about watching us creampie gangbang Niki make him squirt? Do you think he leaves it on his belly because he's lazy or so he'll have a salty treat while regenerating?

I'm beginning to get the sense that you might have some kind of animosity towards this man.

No, I love Andy Rooney.

You ever notice mocking a faggot sjw they end up doing the exact same thing, but with pro wrestling fan intellect? Ya ever notice that?

Ya ever notice that American and European Jews advocate for open borders and liberal immigration policies for their host countries, all while themselves running a strong ethnostate with extremely strict immigration policies and deadly ever expanding borders? Ya ever notice that?

I agree with most of that. I would however recommend a valium and a 5th before watching the Putin-Bin Salman DP sex tape on our president.

wow it almost sounds as if the patrick posters were bigger crybabies than o&a fans.