If you don't like woke capeshit, you're literally Hitler. This is going to be Fatrick's new favorite show of the year and he'll be pathetically begging to write an episode on Instagram

4  2019-09-28 by Hominus_Rhodium



Yeah. That Spider-Man kid, and Thor. Such crusty old white dudes.

They just jam that narrative in even where it doesn't fit.

It’s laughable at this point. The capeshit demo are the most woke people on the planet. It’s all the pat’s of the world the don’t feel alive unless they are consuming. The only reason they haven’t set the woke dial to 11 is the Chinese hating that shit. The fucking chinks are the only ones protecting us at this point.

Thank God for those chinks. From now on, I’ll smile gratefully when I see “made in China”.

The Chinese made a movie about The Great Wall of China and cast Matt Damon as the lead. Bless their tiny little yellow hearts.

The comic book community is embarrassing at falling all over themselves for any and all excuse to look more woke and progressive. The idea that it's made up of some fat neckbeards who hate women is a marketing trick to convince people that Brie Larson is a trailblazing civil rights icon and that Captain Marvel movie was something more than a boring, cookie cutter toy nostalgia toy ad.

Lol this show’s gonna tank.

CW shows are all the same. Really attractive boys and really attractive girls doing Melrose Place storylines. This one's a superhero. This one's about two sexy brothers who investigate the paranormal. This one's Archie Comics but there's murder and they have sex.

Bless em though, Dan Schneider himself couldn't have found a hotter Betty & Veronica. Bless you, you modern day Jennie Garths and Rachel Bilsons, you Jessica Biels and Sophia Bushes.

That asshole looks better suited for villainous roles. Not likeable.

I used to like movies.

Every single piece of TV or movie entertainment has some fucking race, tranny or gay marketing angle to it now that you HAVE to like or you're a bigot.

For years there were gay, lesbian, and characters of all races and I never gave a shit. I like plenty of movies and TV shows that feature or focus on all sorts of folks. But now I MUST like them BECAUSE they put trannies and token Asians in them, regardless of quality or that makes me a Neo Nazi. OK. Guess I'll just avoid it all.

When's Zahler got another movie coming out?

Also the tranny characters have to be played by tranny actors or else the woke mob throws a fit. 20 years ago was the last great year for movies. Now it's a few good movies sprinkled in among the franchises, reboots, and pandering.

This is what happens when you allow faggots to have any sort of power in entertainment.

Well, this and Compound Media

The new Batman is a Jewish lesbian 😍😍