22  2019-09-28 by detectivemonahan


Good set on "T͟His iz nätˈ hap(ə)niNG"

that's too dumb for him to sound out. you gotta break it down like its pidgin english for this mo.

I've actually met Landau and he's a good guy. He's even acknowledged the Fatrick hate on the show and finds it hilarious.

Despite denying to have a Joevine for a spouse, I think Landaus in the same position (Naht funny) Mancows sidekick was in the sub. But for all Anthony shits on chemistry, the person he handpicked to cohost with him speaks to him like theyre Skyping eachother

Hahahahahahaha Skyping eachother! Hahahahahahahaha ahhh that's funny hahahahahahaaaha

Call from Leeching Brother... Call from Leeching Brother...

Decent guy? Probably Not funny? Definitely

(Soon to be a) Taxi Driver.

**umm Mister could you please turn down the music? I don't go deep with the Sum 41.

Imagine having a mohawk at any age, let alone 45.

Unless you're wearing a necklace of Vietnamese ears, it's an unacceptable haircut.

I don’t hate Dave. He might be an okay guy. To me he’s just another fool in the crosshairs. Luckily for him, he’s too forgettable to ever really feel the sub’s wrath.

His wife is fat though. That should be noted.

Thank you. But he is a complete faggot

Little manlet has the Mohawk to appear bigger than 5’2

My god, those jokes...