It’s obvious that Patrick bought all his twitter followers.

12  2019-09-28 by Bovine_Retard

His Instagram has 400 followers and his Twitter has 40000 followers. He clearly bought all the Twitter ones and ran out of money to buy any instagram followers. He thought it would be a wise investment and he’d made his money back with more followers. But whaddaya know? Still can’t afford shit.

If any of his Twitter followers gave a remote shit about him, they’d follow him on Instagram too. Clearly 99.99% of them only followed him because they saw a post from him that follows their own NPC agenda.

I can’t tell you with what a passion I hate this fat faggot. Seeing his stupid, cowardly responses to ANY criticism about him while thinking he’s such a genius really is something else. I hope this nigger lives a long and miserable life. Fuck you, faggot.


His like/retweet ration is more inline with much lower actual followers.

I think we need to start recruiting more people - younger people - into this group to ensure that even after we’ve grown tired of it, someone else will be there to carry the torch. I want him to have to put up with this for the rest of his life.

Theres a fuck ton of people who are only 16 on here

They’ll learn. In time they’ll be better than we are.

There's no need, Fatrick's doing all that work for us. The more people who see how he behaves on Twitter, the more will independently reach the same conclusion about that we have: he is a complete douchebag. Him getting his Twitter back is a textbook case of giving someone enough rope to hang himself. No one who sees how he conducts himself in online interactions will want to work with him, read his books, hear his opinions, or have anything to do with him. The dumb fat fuck played himself hard.

Right but how many of them are going to join the ranks of us nazi incel trolls?

So he posted some analytics the other day because he was so goddamn proud of himself for a fucking tweet. A. Fucking. Tweet. Let that sink in.

Anyway, it had something like 9 million impressions. So I looked at Starship Repo on Amazon. It moved up from a Best Seller Ranking of around a million to like 750,000. 1-2 days later, it was back down in the 900,000s again. So he might have sold around 100 books. Even if he gets 8 bucks a book, he made 800 bucks from that one tweet. For months before, there was nothing. Oh yeah, 9 million impressions, around 3-400 new followers. Most of whom will never retweet or look at his stuff again.

He seems to be under the delusion that he's going to become this NYT best seller by fucking tweeting shit about Drumpf. That's never going to happen. He'd honestly be better served by putting more time into becoming a better writer. The little bit of crap I've seen, the whole stupid Fonald Plump shit, the dumb "arching her back and sticking her ass out to the side" (what the fuck is that, is she farting?), "Also, he was young". He can't fucking write to save his life.

His poor wife is a ghost writer for other people. Since she's been actually making a living from it and has her own company, I feel like she's probably pretty good at it, unlike Pat. If he was smart, he'd let her help him with his books. But I bet she tried some gentle criticism once and he probably called her Nazi incel sweet summer child and that was it. Now she dies a little inside every time he crows about finishing another book/screenplay/Op-Ed. She knows it absolutely sucks; she's in the business. She also knows it's yet another failed attempt because he's not doing anything to better himself. Instead of taking some writing/English classes or whatever it is an author would do to improve his writing style, he spends his days drinking at Hooligans and trying to argue on Twitter. I say trying to argue because whenever he starts losing, he either ignores people or blocks them on Twitter.

He's an insufferable tool. Wonder how he did in the marathon today?