
10  2019-09-28 by crat33


Who is that?

The little teenage girl everyone loves, Billy Eilish.

I have no idea who that is but if she is underage it's a race between the Cumias and Tomlinsons.

I have teenagers, I have to know all this shit. Little older than Ant usually likes 'em, she can actually get pregnant.

Uh oh, expect a DM from Ant, Clint...”Age.”

He wouldn't be interested, their father actually raised them, so they have self-esteem.

Yeah, Ant made it clear he didnt want to deal with a father in the picture of one of his prey. Heaven forbid someone protects their child from a predator.

I can't tell if it's a boy or girl now just like the mutant at taco Bell taking my order.

The taco bell by my house is a Taco Bell/KFC. God bless America

her pupils are pinned.

the xanax

Is that lil xans pre faggot face tats?

Ugh, my aunt Diane used to babysit this twat and that faggoty brother of hers

id fuck this big titted animal


I saw a comment once saying that she looks like she smells like cat piss and cigarettes and it was so fucking apt.

She’s got giant fat tits. Look it up.

Name checks out

She’s 15 and sings about fucking guys dads after making their girlfriend jealous.

Jesus, is this built like Deebo?