Unless Joe stops performing publicly won't he always be considered a public figure?

12  2019-09-28 by notjameshefner


Only if you have nice things to say. Criticism is verboden

Joe kissed all possibility of that right away when he started the indigogo campaign for his self named podcast.

Owning a company, no matter the lack of success, opens you up to criticism of all kind. Has he never seen Yelp? If you serve someone too slowly people opening call you a racist.

You spelled nigger wrong. He's a public nigger

Public blob

So so so so so so

He invented opie and anthony, child

The abuse Moo Tits has taken stems entirely from his endless social media faggotry. No one would know about or care about his queer life if he wasn't endlessly flapping his gums about it online. Guitars, his diets, his height, his army service, his kid, the squirter, BOC...every bit of it because he couldn't resist jabbering about it like the overgrown huge-breasted homo he is.