
55  2019-09-27 by 739th_of_805


His Florida look

Greasy disgusting pig. I hope someone booby traps the ammunition for his angry French lesbian rifle.

A mustache would actually be a good look for tubby. God knows the baby smooth, creepy clean shaven look isn't doing too much for him.

The mustache takes him "fucking toddler face" to "fucking A toddler face"

we call that the rape face.
Any man with no stach is not good in my book and is 99.9% of the time a pedo.

Meh. That was the vibe for a while, but the dynamic has changed. I'd be far more suspicious of anyone with a big bushy beard and glasses these days, those are the socially inept creeps now. I wouldn't be shocked if mustaches make a comeback now that fat nerdy fags are cornering the market on beards.

and glasses these days

glasses is the tell.

e.g. Mike David or whatever that boring fucks name is

It actually looks better on him, it hides those fat creases on the sides of his lips that give him that shit eating "I just molested your kid, so what?" Look.

He does look like a fucking baby

He actually looks kinda cool here.

He looks like he'll buy you some beer at the 7-11 if you give him and his buddy hand jobs in their truck behind the store.

Duuuuuude buy me a tri-tip an I'll suck ya fuckin' pud, dude.

He looks like an ECW wrestler from 1997 who WWE never showed interest in so now he works at some warehouse and doesn't shut up about the time he wrestled Tommy Dreamer.

This is incredibly accurate. Side note: I wonder what 911 is up to these days

Probably like 20 feet by now

He looks like he has an interesting personality this way. I dare say, even a good egg.

I'd like to have a beer at Hooligans with this guy

He looks like a carny ride operator wanted in seven different states for writing bad checks and statutory rape

Statutory is for beginners, child.

anthony cumia bragged about being just that.
sad little nancy boy pedo him and his loser fat dumb bother.

Ahm tellin' y'all ah ain't kill no child out in no woods.

"Know what I'd do? Two children at the same time, child."

Looks a little bit like Mike Schank from American Movie.

The neighbor from Office Space

Somebody's got a case of the mundanes

Ron Jeremy with even more veneral diseases

Ron Jeremy with a tiny dick

I like him as Joe Dirt

What he wears to rest stop gloryholes at 3am on I-35.

He never has a sincere expression on his face. He poses. Like none of his smiles are natural. I could never figure out what he’s going for, but whatever it is, it’s staged and off-putting.

I’m just trying to be a better writer, child. My name is Earl.
