What kind of grown man brags about getting into tons of bar fights?

16  2019-09-27 by Sergeant_Joseph_Spud

When a man is tough, it’s usually just known without being said.


They don't. Actual ass kickers never usually talk about it at all. They just get up and destroy someone when required. The witnesses tell the story for them. I'm no fighter, I got into the usual drunken brawls that any normal young man got into where I grew up. I got my ass kicked badly a few times and managed to kick an ass or two once or twice. Even from that limited experience years ago, I know for sure that someone like Patrick is absolutely no physical threat to me or any normal healthy man. Fighting Patrick would be like fighting a beanbag with bones in it.

Pats never been in a physical altercation in his entire adult life. I think Duffy put it perfectly when describing Sam. You can tell a lot about a person whose never been punched in the face before. Pats never been in a fight because if he ever did, he’d probably get his ass handed to him and would understand that actions have consequences.

I’ve met some hard looking dudes that were actually soft, but I’ve never met a soft looking dude that was actually hard.

This is a very good point.

Fair point. I’ve been punched in the face before. It’s not fun, and I try to avoid it at all costs, which includes fighting people on social media ( an exception would be Sam).

Yup, that's why I have some awareness about not talking shit or issuing threats in the wrong environment. The memories of coming to, lying on the ground with blood pouring out of my face taught me some valuable lessons about life and reality. I avoid fights because it fucking sucks to get hit. These are experiences Pat has never had. He would be a better man for it if he did.

Can you imagine the sad punching form? We have seen his running form and both would look like they came from a 5th grade playground.

Does Duffy still post at all?

He occasionally comments, he’s busy with a lovely wife and two beautiful children.

It’s just like every vet that brings it up all the time (Joe) didn’t do shit, while guys that actual did it, don’t wanna to a fucking Q&A to relive it with every asshole they meet.

I know for sure that someone like Patrick is absolutely no physical threat to me or any normal healthy man.

He needs his guns to be "tough".

Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't recall Jonathan ever personally informing strangers of how many barfights HE'S been in.

I remember that time i knocked out some UFC fighter for trying to flirt with my chick at some bar . I just cracked his head on the pavement outside rolled back inside to a standing ovation . You see this punk was just one of many countless faces that i beat down brainless .

Listen people just keep it real cos it's nothing to sweat when you got knuckles of steel .

I like to imagine you as an early-career John Cena when he had the rap gimmick. I'm more entertained by your posts combined with that mental imagery than I should be.

If you Imagine me touring the nation for the make a wish foundation , spreading the Brothaman gospel , well then then 'yes , that could be possible .

Was it BJ Penn last month?

Let's just say Medalist of World Jiu-Jitsu but after the damage his head looked like Vishnu .

Fatrick has never been in a fight in his life.

The immature ones, unless its a response to a jest or a threat.

The kind who has never been in tons of bar fights. The kind of guy who constantly brings up what kind of motorcycle to "infuriate" people but nobody anywhere could care less.

The kind of guy who is never home but brags about all the sex he has with his alcoholic wife. The kind of guy who doesn't support, see or care about his daughter unless it's to bring up in an argument to give himself "as a guy with a daughter" cred.

The kind of guy who couldn't hack it in community college but thinks begging his agent to get him as a talking head on a conspiracy theory cable show makes him an expert.

A fucking fraud.

The guy who tried to stab Patrick got the knife lodged in his tit fat and broke his arm trying to remove it. Pat still has that knife.... lodged in his tit fat.

The kind that do not get into bar fights