Mask off

75  2019-09-27 by maybe_kiss_u


I miss that pretty little psycho.

She's only one of those three things.

She pretty big tho

Fuck out of here. I can picture 200+ of us degenerates in court all pleading not guilty to the crime of calling some nobody a faggot online. You are a public figure fat ass, get over it. You can't just pick and choose when being such suits your own interests.

That actually sounds pretty funny. I'm down.

We'll do lunch as soon as the case is dismissed.

Hows Hooligans sound?

Bruh, were gonna give this fat cuck swirlies in the men’s room.

Patso, we comin’ For you nigga

No bacon, egg, cheese on a roll this morning…

Day 1 of an old school no-sugars, no-carbs, only healthy fats diet. 6 small healthy meals/snacks day and a lean and green (6oz meat and salad) at night. Not drinking much alcohol at all, so to quit altogether is no big deal. Back to Sashimi, and NO FOOD AT ALL AFTER 8pm.

I’ve been feeling like ass since putting on 40lbs over the last 2 years…Lower back fucked up, can’t bend straight over to tie my sneakers without breathing hard, feels like I’m laying face first on a basketball if I try to get a tan on my fat ass…

A high weight of 250 today folks. It will only go down from here.

ANYONE CAN DO IT. Takes will power and the desire to feel healthy overriding the desire to eat food that tastes GREAT. I quit smoking and (backmin the day) blow…cold turkey. Just stopped at will.

If you follow this plan and get your body into “fat burning mode” (takes about 2 weeks of hardcore diet adjustment) WITH NO CHEATING…and the weight will fall off of you like a terminal AIDS patient. 😎 👍

(No offense AIDS patients….) 😬

Goal- 210lbs…

PS- I cover my fatness up well. Being 6’ 1” helps big time.

We can all meet at hooligans before and after

"Sir, did you use the screen name 'Stuntpeckah' to call my client L. Ron Blubbard?"

", I'm pretty sure it was Philip K. Dickless."

imagine the courtroom illustrations.

What kind of likeness is that?

"He just drew circles for all the defendants"

No bacon, egg, cheese on a roll this morning…

Day 1 of an old school no-sugars, no-carbs, only healthy fats diet. 6 small healthy meals/snacks day and a lean and green (6oz meat and salad) at night. Not drinking much alcohol at all, so to quit altogether is no big deal. Back to Sashimi, and NO FOOD AT ALL AFTER 8pm.

I’ve been feeling like ass since putting on 40lbs over the last 2 years…Lower back fucked up, can’t bend straight over to tie my sneakers without breathing hard, feels like I’m laying face first on a basketball if I try to get a tan on my fat ass…

A high weight of 250 today folks. It will only go down from here.

ANYONE CAN DO IT. Takes will power and the desire to feel healthy overriding the desire to eat food that tastes GREAT. I quit smoking and (backmin the day) blow…cold turkey. Just stopped at will.

If you follow this plan and get your body into “fat burning mode” (takes about 2 weeks of hardcore diet adjustment) WITH NO CHEATING…and the weight will fall off of you like a terminal AIDS patient. 😎 👍

(No offense AIDS patients….) 😬

Goal- 210lbs…

PS- I cover my fatness up well. Being 6’ 1” helps big time.

He’s jealous because Ronnie B won’t Unmask him

What's the worst that could happen... seriously?

100 hours of community service?

Do employers have to pay you while you carry this out?

lol we all work at Panera anyway

Certainly doesn't cost us 5 grand every time we have to create a new sub.

Sentenced to be Niki’s butler

Because he's my Butler!

Ha ha ho Lee shit

Who lost, exactly?

According to Pat we're at a huge loss somehow. Ask him what that means, and he'll just do his weird, "...something something, child. Something something beligerient middle-school grade comment something something. I win, you're all stupid and too stupid to know you're stu-stupid."

“Biding my time” = Raping carbohydrates and playing with children’s toys.

The international arrest warrants are being written up as we speak, child.

How would he even go about linking these retarded throwaway accounts to real people anyway?

Well HE SAYS that he's building a portfolio.

Of 300+ people.

Well, maybe there were some people who made "death threats" and "suicide demands".

I wasn't one of them.

So what does it fucking matter? I made fun of a fat person who advocated for violence against people who wear red hats.

It has to just be guys on twitter using their real accounts, I can’t see any way to find out who some random faggot on reddit is, especially considering the fact that most of us switch accounts every other week

Either way, what does Fatty Patty think is going to happen? The judge is going to throw the book at hundreds of guys because they hurt this cunts feelings? What a child

I mean, I've had this reddit account for over a year. All I've done with it is made fun of a real porker. He's a self-proclaimed public figure who covered up the molestation of Moira Greyland by Cat Rambo.

THAT, THAT I cannot stand for, your honor.

Cat Rambo also molested that girl too?

I feel the same way. I never even called him any names. I don't really see a reason to. He's enough of a fucking douchebag with actual things he does that I don't need to do anything like that, although I will admit that it is funny sometimes. Ive been trying to stick to honest criticism of him.

I mean, if he ever decides to try and find me for some reason, I might be a little embarrassed that I have to deal with it. But I'm going to subpoena Niki and have her on the stand and ask her how often they have sex. Is Pat an old testament sex God. Is she happy, etc. I'll get his publishers to disclose how many books in total he's sold. I'll get the staff at Hooligans to testify about his habits. Every thing we think hes lied about, he will have to prove. I've never called him a pedophile or a racist or anything like that so he can't pull that shit on me.

Ive called him a pedophile, alot. But its just what ive read here on this platform. I didnt come up with it.

I havnt been involved in the fatrick stuff much. But after I posted this video of samcro he shut up about suing for defamation. Hes literally lusting after small young girls. This is a video of him admitting hes a pedophile. Literally. Feel free to sue me tou fucking pedo. Joesph colleen cumia.

If hes stupid enough to pay 5 grand to get his twitter back instead of just making a new one he's not likely smart enough to do some basic google detecrive work on 1900 people. The fact that he's more technologically inept than a cumia is impressive

It's funny because depending on his mood when you ask or just the day, there may be hundreds of us or there's just 10 of us with tons of alts.

Basically, he'd have to file a Doe lawsuit(s) JD1 as 'whateverusername69', JD2 as 'thatusername45', JD3 as 'yuckyuck420' etc.

After he's started the federal suit he'd subpoena Reddit based on the username to get records related to connected username(s). Signup IP, signup email (if you used one), IP logs, post history, etc. Generally Reddit would send you a notification that this was happening since it's a civil case--basically they have 90 days to name/amend a Doe after the suit's filed so they're in tracking mode.

With that info they'd sort through the IPs and see if they were attached to ISP, VPNs, mobile carrier, US or non-US based etc. After they determine if it's worth it (not usually if it's a VPN provider or overseas), they would contact the company that was in control of the IP at the time. They'd issue another subpoena to get connection information from that ISP/carrier. Who's the owner of the account, name address, phone number... all the usual PII. This is another place where most likely that company would let you know before releasing your information... usually you have at least two weeks to lawyer up or reply pro se.

There are a couple ways it could go from there and it depends on your jurisdiction. Sometimes they're just after your PII so they can properly serve you or sometimes they just want your info so they can doxx you. There's a lot to it after that (motion to quash--but that gives them your PII anyway, and they can just refile in your state with the info), but that's generally how that chain of events plays out.

Wouldn't he have to prove damages?

Yeah, later on in the suit. Like Anthony deciding who gets tits, the first step is to identify who you're suing.

Thanks for the insight. The amount of time and money that would cost makes it so unrealistic. And like you said, any decent attorney is gonna ask for a shit load just to deal with that headache.

He is going to be biding his time into the grave, that shit will not happen.

His coronary is coming up soon

He implied the same thing before and then finally he celebrated paying $5,000 to get his dumb Twitter reopened. Really fucking taught us a lesson.

Interpol is tracking down the international criminals as we speak, child

If you're a typical idiot but want to sound like you know some legalese, mention the "discovery phase."

Motion to dismiss; the prosecution is clearly a faggot.

Case dismissed! Wooden hammer smack!


Isn't that from long before he got his Twitter back?

Why would you need to document every comment if there is anything actionable sitting in front of you? People either said shit they can get in trouble for, or they didn’t. You already have them, or you don’t. What are you going to prosecute people for? Calling you a pig? Look, I get it, if someone made death threats then I could see being upset, but what court in the world is going to care about that shit? And do you forget all of the death threats you made yourself? Just do it already. Do it. Do it or shut up about it you stupid bitch.

If you start to feel bad about Patrick, if you start to think that maybe he’s not a liar, or insane, or both: go back to this. Do you really think he is cataloging and compiling comments made about him? Only a lunatic would document comments made about him. If actionable comments have been made publicly or privately, then he already has them and doesn’t need to document anything further. I think we should take bets on whether he’s crazy or lying. It’ll be the next “Dead or Canadian” and we can sell it to prepburger.

Refresh my memory, how old is this?

4 or 5 months

Ah. Must be a lot of documents, then. I mean, he keeps talking about lawsuits and arrests with such certainty, I'm sure it's not bullshit.

People’s Court

Another Joe Cumia--talked with an attorney and they told him it would be a $13k-$18k retainer to even get this started, and when they do, it's most likely dead in the water but still sits around "biding his time."

I would imagine 99.9% of anything he complains about is online and never leaves online and isn't defamatory. Opinion says he's fat, because we've seen pictures of him. He objectively runs a slow half-marathon time. He seems obsessed with politics. He has posted about punching people for their political beliefs. He has posted about getting in multiple bar fights. He has posted about anger management issues. He has posted pictures of himself with knives and semi-automatic assault weapons. These are all things that are true. Based on things that he's posted himself, it's my personal opinion that he's got a screw loose and is not a stable individual.

Also, I read his book, and in my opinion he's a very bad writer.

Objectively a very bad father too. (Just like Joe) He walked away before the thing even came out.

I've read some of his writing with an open mind. He's objectively a mediocre genre author, at best. It's just pulp nonsense. Something a reader would blast through in a weekend and totally forget what they read the next day. He also uses lots of food metaphors because he is very fat.

He's trying so hard to be John Scalzi but lacks the wit or charm or general writing ability. There's literally thousands of authors just like him on Amazon that no one knows or will ever know.

Joe admitted to being a pedophile in this video so feel free to call him one with impunity.

Not gonna happen, big boy u/patrickstomlinson

Does he not understand that the discovery phase would bring everything into context by revealing his incredibly shitty online behavior?

Does he not understand that there would be a very large retainer up front and it would cost a fortune in lawyer fees before you ever got to trial (if you even could)? His online support group are the only ones buying his bullshit. Well, except for himself.

I'm wearing a mask fuck this guy.

I'm a big important powerful famous Hollywood A-lister, and this pudgy man is going to wreck my career.

See ya there Pat.

Patty cakes is going to pull down the pants off all the naughty Nazi incel children. Keep your head on a swivel, lambchops.

/u/patrickstomlinson Jonathon Juice is Adrienne and Nikis favorite drink. Do you know how it's made?

Judge: "It's not illegal to call people fat faggots on the internet. Feel free to prove I have nice tits if you want."

Those judicial beefers were stupendous.

This is surely more important than raising your child.

Enjoy my VPN, faggot

I'm not sure that you millennials understand how these things work. Sometimes when someone is such a giant douchebag that they can't control their douchebaggery they will lie about things like "getting your real info and coming to meet you" or "contacting a lawyer who thinks there is a strong case here" or even "going to the FBI"

Unfortunately for the douchebag, most people have the sense to understand that none of these things work as well as not being a douchebag anymore. Sometimes apologies even work. I am sure you can annoy the FBI enough that they will read your complaint before laughing about it and tossing it in a file. I am sure that there is some lawyer out there willing to take a 5 grand retainer from some random loser and fill out a few complaints, send a few threatening letters to service providers etc. But after that? The ridicule only gets worse and the last threats have amounted to nothing. The only recourse left to the douchebag is to get a gun and try to find one of his tormentors, if we are lucky he will announce his plans first so he can end up in court or jail before someone gets shot at. If we are less lucky, someone gets shot at by an angry chubby guy who is down on his luck and could use a few months in jail. I say keep this up until chubby mcwhinypants apologizes to each and every one of you personally and promises to never be a douchebag again. Hell, I'd say double down on this and let him shut down a few subs during his tantrum.

He has the receipts, child.

It's in the discovery process.



Have at it, you fat fucking turd. I have stated nothing that isn’t my own personal opinion, and there is jack-dick fuck-all you can do about that faggot. It’s also my opinion that one of your fucking arteries should clog up tomorrow.

Hi, RacistPigeon!

I just wanted to wish you a terrific day! Have a good one!


Did ya?

Yes, I am pussy fart your honor.

And stating facts about you losing your kid and you ex-wife finding a real man is wrong, how fatso? Run around the 7 mountains, seven times stupid.

If he has spent a penny on this delusion he is the dumbest cuck whos ever lived