Hey Joe. This is what a loving son does for his mom even when its her own fault she has dementia. Absolutely anything he can.

20  2019-09-27 by Dennyislife


The anti-Cumia. This kid has handled being uncomfortable for a few hours at a time for years now. What a champ.

He's had it rough too. Passed around family members to care for him as a. Child as his mother was a drunk and his dad killed himself.

Yet unlike Joe he's still making a effort

With all the shit he's had to deal with since childhood with such shitty parents, him not being bitter enough to walkaway from her is astounding to me.

He's big into Jesus guess the whole forgive stuff plans into it

Joe Cumia has no integrity and should be ashamed of himself.

Lady Di’s kid is a good dude, taking care of aging parents with disabilities is a nightmare. Something Cumias and P-titty wouldn’t know a fucking thing about.