"...at around Mile 5 I hit a pothole at an odd angle and gave myself a high ankle sprain which i had to run with through the rest of the eight miles of the race at a significantly reduced speed."

20  2019-09-27 by SoulBrothaManNumber2

did this fat fucker really create a pothole that he hurt himself over?


He sure had a lot of details. You know who spits out details no one else would remember? Liars. Liars do that.

Hrs not loying

Total bullshit

If it was high ankle sprain he wouldn't be finishing race. Nobody would

I was wondering how a fat guy could end up with a slow marathon time.

I know, it seems impossible but there you are. It's the deadly "high ankle" area you need to watch out for

Not only is he significantly faster than his embarrassingly slow time would indicate but he's also an actual tough guy.

If i didn’t know this was fatrick, i’d swear it was joe.

I sprained my ankle coming off a ladder last summer and I was positive that I broke it. For like a week if I put my weight on it to walk normally it would just roll over again. I'm no pussy but I wouldn't be running with one.

I fucked my ankle up very badly a couple years ago walking on ice and I could barely walk up and down stairs for a week. It took months for it to start feeling normal again.

A high ankle sprain would likely render you incapable of finishing the race without excruciating pain and would require a fairly lengthy recovery period afterward.

The NY Giants RB suffered a high ankle sprain and it looks like he's going to be out for up to 8 weeks and he's a world class athlete. Tubby here would be sidelined for several months.