I seriously couldn't be happier with the direction of this sub.

27  2019-09-27 by Thomas_Dairy

It's always super populated and active, more so than its been in quite a while. And its been a minute since we've been banned and I think we're all starting to get cozy here. And even if we lose this place, we'll regroup in seconds and there'll be no mod to tell us what we can and cannot talk about.

Now, go type "Patrick S. Tomlinson reddit" into google images. If that doesn't warm your hearts, I dunno what will!


We're truly building great things here. Patso is going to completely lose it eventually and it is going to be right up there with Jose's people's court appearance.

I’m glad others are sold on pushing fat boy to the brink.

Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you'll live -- at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom.

Patrick has a very limited emotional capacity. There’s no way his psyche can last longer than these subs. These days barely poke him and he can’t refrain from snapping back about literally going on a shooting rampage. His fall will be epic.

Management is loving the direction of the phantom subreddit who regenerates new limbs once having them severed by foolish enemies who do not heed the classic warning that the only winning move is not to play. With the psychos.

For da show, for da show