Streetshitter has a message for Colleen and Tranthony

26  2019-09-27 by Palmdale__Chimp


I love this sub

I laugh out loud at something every single time I come here.

Haha where did you buy this? I have money to blow.

Fiverr. $7 will get you an indian that will say whatever you want within one day.

i'm working on finding all the fivvers and cameos from the old sub for the archives.

I was just about to call you to this thread. keep up the good work, brothaman.

if you summon me three times i post a picture of nana that will haunt your dreams

Ghoulish-pedo, ghoulish-pedo, ghouish-pedo.


The fake biker guy was the funniest shit

i have that one give me a few minutes to find it.

There's at least one other with the biker guy I've seen but he's in this compilation someone made of a few Fiver videos:

So you have beiges docs on Colleen?

Yeah I think its 5 and 6? I'm experimenting with a host in kuwait lol. Use the dl links.

Both Joe ones?

Everything about this is so fucking funny

You have the one of that Colombian girl going around screaming "FIG NANA"?

I've already sent these to the Oscar people.

Which section or what do I search for?

I think I just searched 'indian guy' or something. Type in a search for whatever you think is funny and you should find something.

Paying him some money then calling him a street shitter makes me keep laughing 😂

I wanted to insult Joe, Ant and Indians all at the same time. Pretty good results even if they were delivered with a thick accent.

TYFYS brotherman


You should of paid him in toilet paper

I think they just use their hand.


reminder: none of these were ever funny

also, opie is a coprophilic pedophile

You’re a faggot but your crude stick figure drawings can be entertaining. So shut your dick sucker and post drawings.

Those are great shorts for a quick shit in the street.

Harold and Kumar go to white supremacist's.

I thought this was a new Ed Bassmaster character or something.