The institutional rot of comedy

7  2019-09-27 by HaggleHebrewitz


Gotta fight back against these right-wing comics

The Seething Stand-Up Underground That Gave Rise to Shane Gillis

Decluttered version of this Slate Magazine's article archived on September 26, 2019 can be viewed on

Basically what this article boils down to is some butthurt sissy saying...

"We get these awful Nazis kicked off of any and all TV and Movie opportunities and then they have the nerve to go around our system and acheive success and a fanbase without us. We're in charge of them and they were supposed to just disappear and never work again."

It absolutely chaps their ass whenever someone with a set of balls doesn't surrender to them. I fucking despise these cocksuckers.

Sooooo basically a win win for us

It needs more words underlined in red or I can't read it.

This article is appalling. They forgot to mention that AntH is a pedophile.